The Healthy PUSH

The Healthy PUSH

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Are you exercising to the wrong beat? Song Choices and Beats-Per-Minute

December 28, 2011

Believe it or not you might be listening to the wrong beat when exercising and this can make a difference in your results.  Some days you want to take it easy and I get that. However, if you have training goals it is likely that “leaning-out”and increasing your cardio threshold are on the list. You may have noticed the PUSH MUSIC exercise playlist recommendations I publish weekly. I choose songs to keep you moving. BPM stands for beats-per-minute and it is the same numbers the DJ uses to select his tempo for the crowd. Use this science to select your pace for your workout.

Choose beats in the bpm sweet spot–120 to 140 for long paced efforts and step it up when you need adrenaline songs to at least 130 bpm or more (I reco 160+ for High Intensity Training) which fires you up.

To find out what your song’s BPM is, you can use these 2 resources:

A data base:

Or a manual method:

In a 2005 study at Brunel University, results showed that when carefully selected according to scientific principles, music can enhance endurance by 15% and improve the ‘feeling states’ of exercisers, helping them to derive much greater pleasure from the task. It was well noted that music can help exercisers to feel more positive even when they are working out at a very high intensity – close to physical exhaustion.

Resource[ Brunel University (2008, October 2). Jog To The Beat: Music Increases Exercise Endurance By 15%. ScienceDaily. Retrieved August 11, 2011, ]

LOVE yourself enough to PUSH yourself.

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(*PUSHadvice from the coach is intended as general training information and you should use at your own risk. Your specific training and nutrition should be addressed to your personal health care provider. Specific questions relating to your specific training, health, injuries, diet, and nutrition should be consulted with your health care provider.)

Related Links:

Crossfit+ Classes/ Running Team now offered in Puerto Madero & Recoleta.
